About Us

Royal Entice – Arts & Handicrafts, established in 2007 has been able to create its own goodwill and a name for itself. We primarily manufacture and export exclusive Bandhani and lehariya duppattas, designer floral jewellery, meenakari items, wooden handicrafts, marble handicarfts, metal gift items, antiques and decorative gift items. We have a well-established global clientele. The most elite and antique works can also be found at our place. Our collection of old colonial style antiques is endless.
Arts & Handicrafts has carved a niche for itself as a manufacturer and the exporter of textile and handicrafts products. Our manufacturing plant is equipped with all kinds of facilities. We have dedicated and hardworking manpower who strive round the clock to make our products the best in the market. We have highly experienced team which can also cutomise the designs as per client’s need.
We do not have to say that our outputs are best because they are indeed the best. We have miles to go and every milestone is for us a stepping stone to success. We are counted amongst leading manufacturer, supplier, exporter and trader of a wide variety of Bandhani and Lehariya duppattas, exclusive floral jewellery, Wooden & Marble Handicrafts. We have garnered immense appreciation for creating awe inspiring traditional handicrafts that are unique in their designs. Our clientele is spread across multiple locations around the globe. We combine fine craftsmanship with modern business practices in order to flourish in the market. We have a highly skilled team of artisans and other professionals, who work in complete coordination with each other. Each individual is highly motivated and strives to perform to the best of one’s capabilities. We encourage our team to keep itself updated with the prevailing market information so as to stay ahead of the race. Owing to their efforts and perseverance, we have come this far. We are equipped with modern infrastructure and employ standardized processes to attain maximum efficiencies. We have inculcated strong values in our organizational culture and are highly ethical in our business dealings. Our products adorn a variety of settings and make their presence felt owing to their visual appeal.

Wednesday, Jan 26, 2019
Wednesday, Jan 26, 2019
Wednesday, Jan 26, 2019
Neha - Texas
Neha - Texas
Wednesday, Jan 26, 2019
Rini - Newyork
Rini - Newyork
Wednesday, Jan 26, 2019
Sangeetha - Malaysia
Sangeetha - Malaysia
Wednesday, Jan 26, 2019