Embellished Stone Work T light pair
Spruce up your space with this Exquisite Paisley Stone studded T light holders from Royal Entice. This beautifully Crafted stone studded t lights will surely add elegance to your home decor. T-light holder in centre will help lighten up that...
₹ 499.00
Auspicious Om T light pair
This divine and elegant t-light holder is truly graceful. Lights are essential when it comes to decorating your household. And nothing’s better than tiny lights in corners of your rooms or on your showcases.  Once you turn off other lights...
₹ 499.00
Om T light Holder
This divine and elegant t-light holder is truly graceful. Lights are essential when it comes to decorating your household. And nothing’s better than tiny lights in corners of your rooms or on your showcases.  Once you turn off other lights...
₹ 299.00
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